Making low cost hydrogen energy available to all




Low cost hydrogen energy. Renewable energy. Hydrogen on demand technology. Energy from water PhusionH2.

Our technology

The current problem is that low cost hydrogen energy is not always possible or practical. So, we have developed a unique technology known as the Catalytic Carbon-Hydrogen on Demand (CC-HOD) system. It is the first system that will be able to utilise hydrogen so that it can be used commercially in a viable way. For the first time, more energy will be produced from the burning/combustion of hydrogen than the small amount of energy needed to generate the hydrogen.

The most important component of the technology is the catalytic carbon. The catalytic carbon allows for a self-sustaining reaction and there is no need for a costly external source of energy to produce the hydrogen. The catalytic carbon thus produces a low cost hydrogen energy that is totally efficient.


PhusionH2 hydrogen on demand. Reduce pollution, halt global warming and alleviate poverty. Movement button 3.


Low cost hydrogen energy. Hydrogen on demand technology. Renewable energy. PhusionH2. Stop global warming.



To create hydrogen a number of elements are needed including:

Low cost hydrogen energy. Renewable energy. Hydrogen on demand. Energy from water. Water icon. 

1. Dihydrogen Oxide A.K.A. water

Low cost hydrogen energy. Renewable energy. Hydrogen on demand. Energy from water. Catalyst icon. 

2. An oxidising agent such as aluminium pellets to produce heat and hydrogen


Low cost hydrogen energy. Renewable energy. Hydrogen on demand. Energy from water. Reaction icon.

3. A propriety carbon catalyst to lower the activation energy and increase the rate of reaction

Low cost hydrogen energy. Renewable energy. Hydrogen on demand. Energy from water. Heat icon.

4. A thermal source to initiate the reaction

Low cost hydrogen energy. Renewable energy. Hydrogen on demand. Energy from water. Voltage icon.

5. A source of low-level voltage to reduce the layer of aluminium hydroxide which will form on the aluminium pellets







 Why hydrogen?

Alternative energy. Hydrogen on demand. Reduce pollution, halt global warming and alleviate poverty. Green.Green

Hydrogen is an excellent energy source because it does not release any toxic gasses into the environment. When hydrogen is combusted, the only by-product is water. In fact, NASA use hydrogen energy on their spaceships, and the astronauts can actually drink the water that is created from utilising the hydrogen energy.

Alternative energy. Hydrogen on demand. Reduce pollution, halt global warming and alleviate poverty. renewable.Renewable

Hydrogen is everywhere and is a never-ending source of energy. Unlike fossil fuels, which will eventually be exhausted, there is a never-ending supply of hydrogen which can be generated on demand. This makes hydrogen a far more practical and long-term energy source.

Alternative energy. Hydrogen on demand. Reduce pollution, halt global warming and alleviate poverty. Powerful.Powerful

The potential power of hydrogen means that it is regularly used to power space ships and rockets. Hydrogen is three times more powerful than fossil fuel sources which means that it is a far more efficient form of energy. This makes hydrogen an energy source used by NASA and other heavy industries.


CC-HOD, a disruptive energy technology that can halt global warming and alleviate poverty. Simple.Simple

The main elements to produce the hydrogen are simply water, aluminium/iron and catalytic carbon. This is an extremely economical system and the water does not have to be pure. Any water can be employed including tap water, dirty water and ocean water.

CC-HOD, a disruptive energy technology that can halt global warming and alleviate poverty. Circular.Circular

Every element involved is ‘borrowed’. It is a circular system, and is a systematic way of producing zero emission hydrogen at a low cost. The only emissions from the system is water vapour, which is non-toxic.

CC-HOD, a disruptive energy technology that can halt global warming and alleviate poverty. Portable.Portable

A huge benefit of the CC-HOD system is that the need for serious logistics and transport is eliminated. It is currently difficult extracting and moving hydrogen in a practical way, but the CC-HOD system alleviates these problems.





Next steps

The use of fossil fuels is entrenched in our everyday lives and if we are to change this, it will require serious effort and exertion.  At PhusionH2, we have embarked on the first steps to implement change and commenced on a number of innovative strategies to spread the use of our CC-HOD system.

  • Patents have been granted in the USA and Japan and we are currently in the process of formalising patents in 16 other countries.
  • Prototype designs are at an advanced stage, and are based on existing Benchtop systems that we have conducted a number of successful experiments on.
  • We are working in partnership with universities in the UK and Ireland who are conducting testing and verifying measurements and results. So far, reports indicate excellent results.
  • We will be raising funding via crowdfunding and secure token offerings with milestones inbuilt for investor protection. Other protections will be pegged to our crypto currency reserves to international currencies. Milestones achieved will govern the release of funds.






How you can help

If you want to be a part of this movement to revolutionise the way we produce and use energy then join us. The bigger our movement is, the harder it is for the fossil fuel giants to ignore us. If you wish to learn more about the work we do, low cost hydrogen energy and investing in our upcoming secure token offering, then please get in touch for more details.

PhusionH2 hydrogen on demand. Reduce pollution, halt global warming and alleviate poverty. Movement button 4.

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